RO Water System ( Reverse Osmosis )

The RO water purifier can work continuously and has the ability to reduce the TDS of raw water by up to 95%. Removal of bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms using the reverse osmosis process is almost 100%. Reverse osmosis can also remove 99% of minerals and 97% of organic and colloidal water. In this method, the separation factor is the application of mechanical pressure. At present, reverse osmosis method has a very important role in water purification. In reverse osmosis water treatment, raw water is pumped by a pump into a chamber containing a semipermeable membrane. Because almost only pure water can pass through the membrane, almost pure water is collected on one side of the membrane and condensed water is collected from the impurities on the other side of the membrane.

Main equipment in RO machine made by ATIMACHINE Company
• Pre-treatment system including sand filter, carbon filter and micron filter.
• Semi-permeable membrane (Membrane).
• Pressure chamber (Pressure Vessel)
• High pressure pump (High Pressure Pump).
• Anti-scalant injection package including injection pump.
• Stainless steel installation chassis.
• Fully automatic control panel.
• CIP system
• Equipment and control tools of reverse osmosis system such as flowmeter, pressure gauge manometer, pH meter, electro conductivity meter conductivity meter
• 316 stainless steel pipes and fittings for pressure lines and UPVC for low pressure lines.
• Flow control valves, sampling valves and pressure relief valves.
• High Pressure Switch & High Pressure Switch.

Available in volumes of
60 liter per hour,
120 liters per hour,
120 liters per hour, 200 liter per hour,
500 liter per hour,
1000 liter per hour

If you need technical information, register your details so that you can be contacted at the earliest opportunity.

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Central Office

#404 , 4th Floor , No.186 , Ghaedi St . , North Saadi Ave . , Tehran , Iran

+98 21 7762 4710

+98 21 7762 1950


#92, 7th Golshid Alley, Nakhlestan Blvd ,Baharestan Blvd . , Shams Abad Industrial East , Tehran - Iran

+98 21 5623 0186

+98 21 5623 0185