Pharmaceutical water system

The water treatment system can work continuously and has the ability to reduce the TDS of raw water by up to 95%. Removal of bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms using the reverse osmosis process is almost 100%.

The main process of water series equipment is divided into two parts. The first part is the production of sterile water. The second part is the sterile water supply.

Performance features:

power saving and water saving;

Complete emergency plan for online maintenance ;

Host reverse osmosis with automatic discharge pulse ;

Pre-treatment system, automatic evacuation and regenerative operations ;

Dry-Run Protection system, high and low pressure protection system introduced into the device and other functions ;

Depending on the different points of use, water can be supplied to the consumer in different ways, it can be supplied with high pressure – low pressure and constant pressure;
Control and monitoring of water quality, flow, pressure, etc. (configuration) is done by PLC and automatic display, which has advantages such as shortening the system operation time, announcing problems on the system (Alarm) and…. Provides to the consumer.
Sterile / stainless steel tank and stainless steel
UV Killer
Ozone Sterilizer

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Central Office

#404 , 4th Floor , No.186 , Ghaedi St . , North Saadi Ave . , Tehran , Iran

+98 21 7762 4710

+98 21 7762 1950


#92, 7th Golshid Alley, Nakhlestan Blvd ,Baharestan Blvd . , Shams Abad Industrial East , Tehran - Iran

+98 21 5623 0186

+98 21 5623 0185